To ensure the coordination and strategic management of the project:
WP7.1 : Coordination tasks (NAVOCAP)
The project coordination is based on a fully dedicated work by NAVOCAP.
WP7.2 : Technical management of the project (NAVOCAP)
The technical management consists in meeting the project objective and sub-objectives. Technical management tasks include:
- Management of the technical tasks of the Work Package level.
- Assessment and management of risks every three months.
- Management of the deliverable production, in line with the consortium agreement and the EC contract.
WP7.3: Strategic management of the project (NAVOCAP)
The strategic management consists in relating the consortium RTD activity orientations beyond the end of the project:
- Periodic validation of the consortium RTD targets (at least twice over the project duration) as described in the future consortium agreement.
- Management of the entry of new partners or the withdrawal of the existing partners.
- Adjustments of the development trajectory in case of unforeseen events detected by a continuous surveillance of the project environment.
- Production and validation of the exploitation plans, in line with the business perspectives as described in the consortium agreement.