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Dissemination Activities
  • Some publications in regional, national and international newspapers and industry magazines:
    • Magazines:
      • “DBus colabora con un entorno urbano más accesible”, revista Viajeros.
      • “DBus prueba un navegador para discapacitados visuals”, revista Autobuses&Autocares DIGITAL.
    • Newspapers:
      • “Ikusmen urritasuna duten pertsonen mugikortasuna hobetuko duen nabigatzailea” Periodico Gara.
      • “Prueban un navegador que ayuda a los ciegos a desplazarse en un autobús urbano” Periódico
      • 20 minutes
      • Aujourd’hui en France
    • Some news also appear in the website of the public transport management company in San Sebastian, Dbus.
      • “Dbus y Vicomtech-IK4 prueban un nuevo navegador para mejorar la movilidad de las personas con discapacidad visual”. Dbus website news.
  • Participation in several forums:
  • Development of presentations for conferences and workshops
    • Special mention to some tools for improving visually impaired people mobility will be made in ITS Euskadi congress 2011, that will be celebrated in Zamudio (Spain) on the 21st of October of 2011.
  • A TV report was also shot in Navocap and broadcasted on Euronews in April 2011